• Question: Why do you think it is important to inspire students to become enthused about your scientific field?

    Asked by 995prmc56 to vediacan on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Vedia Can

      Vedia Can answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      Dear 995prmc56,

      Hope you are well.

      I feel that Osteoarthritis is a disease that is ignored or always at the end of the list of priority diseases to find a cure for and as a Pharmacologist I have the opportunity to change this. More than 8.5 million people in the UK will develop Osteoarthritis at some point of their lifetime, and this figure is expected to rise. Therefore, I think it is important for me to inspire students to become enthused about my scientific field especially Pharmacology because I feel that we need to increase the number of Pharmacologists to help ensure that we devise and develop new drugs for the diseases that are ignored.

      Hope this answers your question.

      Best Wishes,

