• Question: What will you learn if you volunteered to work at a Pharmacy?

    Asked by 915prmc38 to Alex, Laura, Lesley, Richard, vediacan on 18 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Richard Prince

      Richard Prince answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      Hi 915prmc38
      You’d learn a lot. First of all, pharmacists are doing a lot of primary health care these days, so you’d get to see some interactions with patients. Second, you’d learn the names of a lot of drugs and what they are used for. The pharmacist would also know a lot about how they worked. Finally, you’d be working in an environment where you have to be very trustworthy (patient confidentiality etc) That would be good educationally itself, but would also enhance your CV.
      Best wishes

    • Photo: Vedia Can

      Vedia Can answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      Hey 915prmc38,

      You would gain experience in communicating with the public, reading prescriptions, observe the pharmacist allocate and dispense medications (according to the prescription) to the patient. This type of work experience will definitely give you an insight into the daily life of a Pharmacist, which will help you decide your career goal; life as a Pharmacist or a Pharmacologist (the one that designs the drug).

      Best Wishes,

