• Question: What A levels and degrees did you do that led to the work you are involved in?

    Asked by 497prmc56 to Alex, Laura, Lesley, Richard, vediacan on 13 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by 502prmc56.
    • Photo: Richard Prince

      Richard Prince answered on 13 Jun 2015:

      Hi 497prmc56
      I did A levels in Biology Chemistry and Maths. I then did a B.Sc. in Biochemistry at Bath University and a Ph.D. at the University of London.
      Best wishes

    • Photo: Laura Newton

      Laura Newton answered on 13 Jun 2015:


      I also did Biology, Chemistry and Maths for A-level (I did physics for AS as well but then I dropped it) then I did Biochemistry for my degree (or ‘Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry to give it it’s full, fancy title) at Oxford University. Now I’m doing a PhD in Pharmacy and Pharmacology at Bath University.

      If you are interested in a specific degree then look at the university prospectus’, they always tell you what A-level subjects you need to do a degree. 🙂

      Thanks for your question!

    • Photo: Vedia Can

      Vedia Can answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      Hey 497prmc56!!

      I do not have degrees a typical Pharmacology student would have 🙂

      The A-Levels I obtained from 6th Form were Biology, Chemistry, Information Technology and Electronics. All of these A-Levels have proved to be very useful in my profession. I did a BSc in Biomedical Sciences and a MSc in Medical Molecular Biology at the University of Westminster. During both my undergraduate degree and postgraduate degree I selected projects and modules that involved Pharmacology. This is because I wanted to learn more about drug design (ultimate goal is to design a drug for osteoarthritis) and development but I also wanted to learn more about molecular applications in identifying disease. So, I continued to carry out research in the laboratory, and then my supervisor proposed a fantastic research project for my PhD, which focuses on Pharmacology. So, this is how I ended up in the field of Pharmacology 🙂

      Best Wishes,


    • Photo: Lesley Pearson

      Lesley Pearson answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      I studied in Scotland, and we have a slightly different education system. However as far as subjects go, in school I took Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths.

      I did an honors degree in Biochemistry, and I needed Chemistry in order to get onto my chosen course. However I would say that Biology and Maths are also really important.

    • Photo: Alex Agyemang

      Alex Agyemang answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Hi 497prmc56,

      I took A’Levels in Biology, Physics and Chemistry. I then did a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology, Masters in Clinical Drug Development, PhD in Clinical Pharmacology and MBA in Life Sciences.

      A first degree in life sciences (preferably pharmacology or pharmacy) and a PhD in a relevant related research area can lead you to do the work I currently do.

      Best wishes,
